The overarching goal of AeRoTwin is to decrease networking gaps and deficiencies between UNIZG-FER and internationally leading counterparts in EU, by significantly enhancing S&T capacity of LARICS at UNIZG-FER in the field of Aerial Robotics. Through carefully planned twinning actions, AeRoTwin will raise UNIZG-FER research profile as well as the research profile of its personnel. On the way to reach the main goal of the project, we plan to achieve the following Objectives:
Objective 1
Increase UNIZG-FER research excellence and innovation capacity in the field of aerial robotics, in the following Strategic Research Domains (SRDs): SRD1) Cooperative robotic missions, SRD2) Aerial robot navigation, and SRD3) Aerial robot configurability (explained in more details in section 1.3.2). This Objective will be achieved through:
- S&T knowledge transfer that will implement expert visits, short-term visits, joint summer schools and co-supervising PhD students
- hands-on experience that will implement on-site trainings
Objective 2
Enhance UNIZG-FER networking capacity and scientific visibility. This Objective will be achieved through:
- strengthening links to aerial robotics research community by conference attendance, special sessions organization, workshops and tutorials attendance, participation in joint EU and international projects and publication of joint journal papers,
- dissemination and outreach activities planned for the general public and school students
Objective 3
Improve UNIZG-FER quality of innovation management and technology transfer. This Objective will be achieved through:
- strengthening links to aerial robotics industry by participation at industry fairs and by collaboration agreements with businesses
- strengthening links to aerial robotics end users by implementation of end-user oriented workshops
- innovation management knowledge transfer by organization of innovation management trainings and technology transfer workshops